Friday, 26 June 2009

John Symonds publishes exclusive documents from his trial

Finally, after years of staying silent, John has decided to speak out about the unfair trial that he was subjected to in 1981. He knew he was not going to be treated impartially before the trial had even started, but that was nothing compared to the frustration and blockages that were put in his way as he tried to defend himself in court.

A major factor in this fit-up trial was the attitude and tactics employed by the judge R. A. R. Stroyan. We will start the exposé of how the British Justice system works by concentrating on the Judge's Summing Up from his trial. It will soon become apparent, to anybody who follows what the judge said in this Summing Up, that the Law works in mysterious ways. You can now follow this guided tour with us - because we have put the document onto our website, and you will find it available for download on this page.

Judge Angus Stroyan lairds it up at the Highland Games

NEWSFLASH .... the previous photo has been removed at the request of Stroyan's friends at the Killian Highland Games, and replaced by the parrot

It seems that Judge Angus Stroyan is a Chieftain amongst our kilted brethren, although he doesn't appear to be capable of tossing many cabers these days.

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